1DM+ : Video, Torrent Downloader 17.2 (Patched)(Mod Extra)(UltraLite)


Fast Video Downloader, Movie Downloader, Torrent Downloader & Adblock Browser

App Name 1DM+: Browser & Video Download
Latest Version 17.2
Size 22 MB
Category Tools
Developer Vicky Bonick
Mod Info Premium Unlocked
Requires Android 4.0 & up
Get it on

★★★ Mod1 (v17.2) ★★★
No root or Lucky Patcher or Google Play Modded required;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Ads links removed and invokes methods nullified;
Google Play Store install package check disabled;
Debug code removed;
Remove default .source tags name of the corresponding java files;
Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase disabled;
AOSP compatible mode;
Update disabled;
Disabled promo VPN;
Disabled promo quiz;
Disabled promo sale;
Languages: Full Multi Languages;
CPUs: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64, mips, mips64;
Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
Original package signature changed;
Release by Balatan.

Download Mod v16.0 (Android 4.0+)-ArmAlternate LinkArm64Alternate Link Download Mod v17.2 (Android 7.0+)-ArmAlternate LinkArm64Alternate Link

★★★ Mod2 Lite (v17.1) ★★★
Based on default Mod Extra Version;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load - [17.3 Mb total apk size];
Languages: En, Ru;
CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a;
Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
Original package signature changed;
Release by Balatan
Download Mod v16 (Android 4.0+)-ArmAlternate LinkArm64Alternate Link Download Mod v17.1 (Android 7.0+)-ArmAlternate LinkArm64Alternate Link

★★★ Mod3 UltraLite (v17.2) ★★★
• Based On Mod1
• Optimized Graphics & Full Cleaned Encrypted Resources for Fast Load (Extra Langauge, Graphics & Files Removed);
• Torrent + Magnet Support Removed (Dex SDK + Libs Purged + UI Disabled);
• FFMPEG SDK Purged;
• All Other Libs & Their Invokes Removed;
• Google Finsky & Firebase Analytics Purged;
• YouTube, Instagram & facebook Video Downloading Restrictions Disabled;
• Loggers Disabled;
• YT ReVanced, RVX mapped as an App by default for YouTube Links
• Mod Lite (7 MB, org Size 22 MB)
• Lang- EN Only
• Arch Support- Universal
★ Modded By RBMods

Download Mod-Main LinkAlternate Link

★★★ Mod4 UltraLite v2 (v16) ★★★
• Based On Mod3 UltraLite
Firebase Analytics/Measurements removed
Firebase Datatransport Removed
Firebase Messaging & Tracing Removed
Firebase DataCollection Disabled
Google Datatransport removed
No Trackers Code Left in the App. 👌
★ Mod By RBMods

Download Mod-Direct LinkAlternate Link

== Content Related To ==
1DM+: One download manager plus [formerly IDM+] is the fastest and most advanced download manager (with Torrent download support) available on android. It's upto 500% faster than normal download. And it doesn't run background services if there's nothing to download and Smart download option is disabled which increases battery life.

1DM+ [formerly IDM+] features:

• Ad free
• Download Torrent files using magnet link, torrent url or a torrent file on your device
• Dark and Light themes
• Supported languages: Chinese(Traditional), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, Spanish, Spanish(Latin America), French, German, Greek, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Magyar, Portuguese, Portuguese(Brazil), Russian, Polish, Slovak, Serbian, Turkish, Arabic, Afrikaans
• Direct Download to SD card
• Supports HTTP Live Streaming websites
• Hide downloaded files from everyone
• Smart download option to download files when you copy downloadable links to clipboard
• Option to save user name password for auto login while browsing and downloading from password protected sites
• Pause and Resume feature with supported links
• Pause all / Start all / Remove all options to save time
• Unlimited retry support with custom delay
• Download are not stopped if app is closed
• Wifi only download support
• Smart error handling so you don't loose any data
• Download scheduler to schedule your downloads
• Import download links from a text file
• Export download links
• Import download link from clipboard
• Open/Share downloaded files
• Extended Notifications with download progress (Combined as well as individual)
• Supports vibration and notification sound on download completion
• Supports all formats: archive files, MUSIC, VIDEO, documents, programs etc
• Support multiple web browsers, including: Default Android browser, Chrome, Firefox etc
• Sort files by name, size, date and categorize by types and time

• Upto 30 simultaneous downloads
• Multi part downloading - upto 32 simultaneous parts per download
• Support for proxies (with or without authentication)
• Speed limiter to limit speed of downloads (Global as well as individual)
• Refresh expired links (Direct or using inbuilt browser)
• Download password protected files
• Calculate MD5 checksum

• Built-in web browser with support for multiple tabs, history and bookmarks
• Incognito browsing mode
• Download by automatically catching links of MUSIC/VIDEO from your favorite websites

Clarification for Access Permissions:

• Network Connection (Internet Access) is for downloading file
• Storage (modify or delete contents on your USB storage) is for storing downloaded data
• Control Vibration: create vibrating effect for necessary notification
• Wake lock to stop device from going into sleep mode while downloading is in progress

Please note that DOWNLOADING FROM YOUTUBE IS NOT SUPPORTED due to their terms of service

Disclaimer: Downloading and viewing of any file protected by copyright is prohibited and regulated by the laws of the country where you live. We assume no responsibility for any misuse of our App.

If you like the app please rate 5 star :)

Post a Comment

* Please Don't Spam Here. All the Comments are Reviewed by Admin.
  1. What is the difference between Mod Lite and Mod Ultra?

    1. Mod Lite is universal. for arm/armv7/armv8(arm64). Mod Ultra Lite is only for arm phones

    2. Sir As You Said
      Mod Lite is universal. for arm/armv7/armv8(arm64). Mod Ultra Lite is only for arm phones
      But I Can See That You Have Posted Two App In Mod Lite Version One Is Arm And Another Is Arm64

    3. Mod Ultra Lite is Universal. Can be installed in any Phone. Mod Lite is arm and arm64. Install acco to Your Phone Architecture.

    4. That was an old comment about mod ultralite and lite. IGNORE THAT.

  2. Better than adm for downloading big files?

    1. Please Provide Youtube Downloading As An Exclusive Feature

    2. Youtube downloading option was enabled by balatan in older version mod. But it doesnt work, even after unlocking youtube, IDM was unable to download the videos from Youtube. So the mod is removed in newer versions. Use snaptube to download from youtube.

  3. 10.1 is released pls update it

  4. Working Proper in Other Users' Phone

  5. Please Provide The Following Mod Features Exclusively For ADM Also
    Propeller Ads Wont Show Anymore on Any Website
    MyfastCdn Images wont Load Anymore

    1. Sorry, But We dont mod ADM as RBMOD.

    2. I Know That Till Now You Dont Mod ADM As RBMod But Its Mod By Another Modder Is Available On Your Site So All I Am Requesting You To Provide Exclusive Feature To ADM Also.
      I Liked Your Post And Use Some Of Them And Want To Use ADM RBMod.
      Also If You Still Dont Want To Provide Then Please Share How I Can Do That With The Mod That Is Available On Your Site.

    3. Please Share The Difference Between MyFastCDN Load Images And Blocked Images.
      I Can Only See Propeller Ads Difference In Your Telegram Group

    4. ads images and links by myfastcdn are blocked.

    5. We dont Use ADM, So We are unable to tell you how to do that.

  6. Sir One Suggestion Kindly Don't Add RB In Your Mod Cause In Order To Protect Your App You Are Adding This But The Kranger/Copier Like MarioDev Can ReMod Your Mod And Remove Your Credit So There Is No Need To Add RB.

    1. App cloner Users ( So called Wannabe Modders) Dont know how to handle the apk. They cant remove The credits.

    2. Thanks Sir For Telling Me That He Can't Removed Credit.
      Before Visiting This Site I Thought That Mario Knows Modding But After Visiting This Site I Got To Know The Real Modder Name For That Particular App Thanks Since Then I Always Download Modded App From Your Site.
      One More Request Can You Make It Possible To Install Previous Version Of RBMods IDM Over New Version Cause Sometimes Developer Makes Some Fault And We Are Downloading Something And Has To Wait For New Release.
      This Is The Reason I Am Asking You To Provide ADM RBMod Cause If One Developer Makes Some Fault Then We Can Shift To Other Till The New Release.
      Thanks BTW For Telling What Is MyFastCDN Images.

    3. 1. We dont want to comment on anyone. Telegram post timestamp is live proof for our mods. even if any1 change the credits, a smart audience can realize it easily.
      2. Always backup old version before installing new one.
      3. We prefer to give credits to everyone. If some other person or website doesnt do that. We dont care about them.

  7. Sir,
    I Am Facing A Bug In Your Mod While I Type Something In Url After Something All The Content From Url Automatically Removes While Keyboard Is Still There Also After That Url Hide Error I Cannot Type Anything On Url Bar In Order To Write Something On Url Bar I Have To Again Click On Url Bar But The Same Problem Occurs.
    Kindly Fix That Error If Possible.
    For Your Knowledge I Am Using Vivo Phone If That Might Help And Using Indic Keyboard.
    Although The Keyboard Works Great On Other Browser Without Any Issue

  8. Working Great in My and other users' Phone. Uninstall our Mod. Use any other.

  9. Sir,
    Propeller Ads Wont Show Anymore on Any Website
    MyfastCdn Images wont Load Anymore
    It Is Because Of 30K New Adblock Hosts Added
    I Want To Know Only Yes Or No

    1. Even now the developer himself wants to know your mod secret.
      let you share your magic with all of us.

  10. the developer make this app a crap but thanks to you for making this useful for all of us.

    1. Idm not working unable to install showing error

  11. damn, so fastest released update....
    BTW this website need request page

    Admin, Request KIWI Browser RB Version. Because it's compatible with this IDM+

    1. There is no kiwi mod available. I dont use it personally. So i have no idea of modding it

    2. I recomended you to try it sir, it can install extension like pc browser. So i can use tampermonkey and other.
      Thanks for always replying me :)

    3. Well, i tried it, its protected and can not be modded. at least I can not.

  12. Replies
    1. force close it and add it in battery optimization & remove it from autostart

  13. Jan 2021 onwards all IDM version cant download FACEBOOK VIDEO due to video format changes by the site. i use snaptube to download video .

  14. Thank you so much bro for removing torrent. Hope in future you will update soon. Please update mx player apk in latest version and mod mx player beta also.keep it up

  15. bhaskar pls fixed latest lite version of idm 12.8. its crashed on one ui 3.0 with android 11 in galaxy m and f series.

  16. idm lite won't work in one ui 3.0 with 11. always forced close. fixed it asap.

  17. Bro Google account is not signing in website in 1dm mod version

  18. very good update and works perfectly

  19. Downloader v12.9 [Patched][Mod][UltraLite mod 3
    Sir plz do me this fever.
    I am sorry if i posting in wrong place, l want UltraLite mod of v12.9. i tried my best to find out thid mod but im failed. Sorry if i disturbing u

    1. Sorry to do forgot mention to app name, its name 1DM+ v12.9

  20. Vidmate sign in Google not work and download page automatically out

  21. Please re-enable Downloading Videos in Facebook 🥺


    1. Sorry. I tried my Best to make a seperate a11 Ultralite. If That doesnt work, i can't do anything else.

  23. please release the Ultra mod lite 🙏

  24. please release the Ultra mod lite 🙏

  25. Where is the v15.2 Mod 3 Ultralight Link, I have Opened and found that it was v15.0 version of light apk.

  26. please update v15.5 ulx

  27. 15.5 finally fixed for video streaming lag issue in v15.4. BUT, Since v15.x the default download location is forced to /download/1DMP/ and the download editor takes much longer time to starting download..especially when you have many files inside /1DMP folder. such annoying!
    I've found that previous v15.4 for Mod3 UltraLite is successfuly modified the download location and download editor speed.
    Can you make the same thing for latest v15.5?
    Thank you so much

  28. New version v15.6 is out. Hope to see the mod version soon .thank you

  29. Thank you so much, finally v15.6 for mod3 ultralite is what we needed. You're the best modder.

  30. Could you make the Ultralite for Android 5 please

  31. Please Bro..hoping for v15.8 mod3 ultralite. because the scoped storage thing is such annoying..it takes long time to initiate download editor and starting download. Thanks Bro..

  32. Mod3 ultralite please.....thanks in advance

  33. need v15.9 ulx please...

  34. Where can I get older version of this mod on this website?

  35. "mod3 ultralite always the best" it Would be great if you can make it for v16 ulx. Thanks a lot dude!

  36. this version isn't working fine please re patch this

  37. need v16 mod3 ultralite please bro

  38. update it bro, its crashing everytime whenever i open more than 1 tab

  39. since Dec 20, can no longer access the telegram website (t.me). anyone has the same issue?

  40. Can you make mod of version 16.1?

  41. new v17.1 is out fixed the issue. can you make the mod3/ulx version for v17.1 please. you know..the forced scopped storage thing is kinda pain in the ass, it's slowed everything.
    thanks man!

  42. Please make v3 clone version 🙏

  43. Bruh, idk why you chose to upload to devuploads, adblockers don't work there and they have a crap anti-adblocker, why do I have to face redirects and ads? Just to download one apk?
