[100% Working] App Cloner 2.17.6 (Premium)(Ultra Donations Unlocked)(Mod Lite)(Fixed)

"Create & install copies of apps. Run & keep cloned apps alongside original apps."

App Name App Cloner
Latest Version V2.17.6 & More
Size 70 MB
Category Tools
Developer AppListo
Mod Info Premium Unlocked & More
Requires Android 9.0 & up
Get it on

• These Mods may or may not work into Your Device. Kindly Read Mod info Properly & Android Version Support Before Downloading. If works, Enjoy, If doesn't work, Leave.
• If you encounter an 'Outdated Config' error, simply turn off the internet, clear the app's data, and then reopen the app.
• The App may contain Telegram Channel of Respective Modders who are claiming to have the Latest Version Mod which they'll provide after a Paid Transaction. Many People have reported about getting scammed & no actual Latest working Mod was recieved. So if You Buy, You are Responsible Yourself.

★★★ Mod1 (v2.17.6)(Upto A14 Only) ★★★
• Unlocked all Premium + Ultra donations
• No account binding
• No devices ID binding
• No time expired, can use forever
• No error, no bug, very smooth
• Work on Android 9 - Android 14
• And more features
• CPU- Arm64
✔ Mod By PaulZhielo

Note2: if there are any bugs left, there would be more fixed version in future.

Download PaulZhielo Mod-Main LinkAlternate Link

★★★ Mod2 (Diff Versions) ★★★
Unlocked all donations
No Restriction
Completely OFFLINE
Use It Without Limits!!!
Bug's Fixed!!
Not Compatible with Emulator
★ Modded by PaulZhielo

Download v2.14.4 Upto A12-Arm64Alternate LinkDownload v2.9.5 Upto A11-Armv7Alternate LinkArm64Alternate Linkx86+x86-64Alternate LinkDownload v2.7.1 Upto A11-Arm + Arm64Alternate LinkUniversalAlternate LinkUniversal v2Alternate Link

★★★ Mod3 (v1.5.32) ★★★
*** v3.1 ***
v1.5.32 Premium,Add-ons & Donations Patched By Robinhooood
Added Mods By RB-
Isolated Error Fixed
Unofficial Copy Of App Cloner Error Fixed
x86 Support Removed
x86_64 Support Removed
Optimized graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;

***v3.2 ***
based on Mod 3.1
Update Check Disabled
App Cant Be Cloned Error Disabled
Mod By RBMods
Download Mod3-Mod v3.1Alternate LinkMod v3.2Alternate Link

== Content Related To ==
app cloner cracked, app cloner mod, App Cloner Paid, app cloner patched, app cloner premium, App cloner RB, App cloner special mod

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* Please Don't Spam Here. All the Comments are Reviewed by Admin.
  1. Package name not changed.

  2. Package name is same. Will it be edited ?

  3. This time, its not changed because app cloner is not gettinf new updates very fastly. So we can use premium mod with original package name. Without losing new features.

  4. When will we get updates of modded apk ?

    1. Apps modded can be updated. First you update original apk nn than you open AppClone app. In there is you choice CLONNED APPS. You can see update listed apps. No lost data in app cloned.

    2. Apps modded can be updated. First you update original apk nn than you open AppClone app. In there is you choice CLONNED APPS. You can see update listed apps. No lost data in app cloned.

  5. Apps modded can be updated. First you update original apk nn than you open AppClone app. In there is you choice CLONNED APPS. You can see update listed apps. No lost data in app cloned.

  6. How to change Package Name on latest version 1.4.19?

      Mod Lite
      Cloned Apk(Changed package name) <---
      Optimized graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
      Fabric Crashlytics service removed
      Manual Data consumption Only(For thumbnails)
      Anonymous Bug Data Transfer Removed

      Changed package name, so can it customed?

  7. How to fix spoof location not working?

    1. i didnt check that. may be any patch issue. lets see in next update

  8. Where is the function "Custom package name" and "Safe mode" in cloning options? I have installed original version with premium unlocked and this functions are present.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. App just showing the update notification. And blocking the cloning process.is there any way to block the update pop-up!!

    1. Is there an answer for this please

  11. And finally I got this amazing app from your blog. Now, I will download and imstall this App Clone application on my Android device...

    1. Its a great honor to have a comment by a great dev of Lucky Patcher, Always in service for You Sir. ☺️👌

  12. It is not creating whatsapp clone pls fix it in the previous version November 4 2018 it is cloning whatsapp but abhi lyu nahi

    1. because whatsapp cloning is banned and even if you cloned, it will crash

    2. I keep getting error after using an app for a while that it appears this clone was created with an unofficial copy of app cloner. Any fix for this as this has become one of my favorite apps.

  13. Pls upload upadated version sir,also pls mod whatsapp clone,(Like begal mod)and pls change package name,for using official version and mod version together.

  14. Please update 1.5.21 version. Fix the some crash issue, discord and gaming crash issue

  15. Not able to verify upi from paytm from the cloned parallel space lite.
    Plz plz look into this issue.

  16. All the cloned app are giving the message.. This app has been cloned by an unofficial copy of app cloner.. And the apps shut down.
    Please help

  17. Not supported by android 9 pie 64 bits plzz help me carate new app

  18. Menunggu aplikasi yg di dukung android 9

  19. Where's the app cloner mod download link please?

  20. Not supported android 9 pie plzz luch karo

    1. Working on Android Pie. If you want to clone whatsapp. Kindly Download App Cloner WA+ . available on site.

  21. Can you please make an app cloner ++ alpha version of this app.. As the app cloner ++ can clone many apps without crashes and much better than this version.. Most importantly it can clone app cloner itself, which is very exclusive.. Please make a ++ version of 1.5.32

  22. this app cloner n app cloner ++ are same. Difference is, You can clone all blocked apps too in that . + Begal devs are modder of app cloner ++. Not us. So we cant make App Cloner ++.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. 2.1.1 once installed the application cannot be opened.

  25. Make an stable update version of app cloner. By the way we love you for trying new. Be update your hacks.

  26. Hey guys 2.1.1 working & running on my phone.you guy's are Awesome. Please do update when new version come.

  27. Dude I can't find the download button😒😒

  28. Need update version.Please Update the latest one.

  29. Waiting for 2.8.1 mod

  30. New version 2.9.0 came. Please upgrade your mod

  31. V2.9.5 errors, can not running. I tried installing on android 9. Pls check. Thanks

  32. 2.9.5 has unofficial detected in cloned apps. Please fix it thank you...

  33. How do you use this? Do you first download app cloner and then this?

  34. Apps Keep On Crashing Please Help.

  35. Ya Samsung phone ma work kyu ni krta please tell me

  36. The various versions work by using the supported Android versions, but they are outdated unfortunately. The function I want isn't available in those.
    If you need it to work on newer Android, you can emulate with VMOS on your phone. It works indeed

    1. Hey, how does this method work? Does it work without error? Apps can be cloned with independent proxies, with no errors, crashes etc?

  37. Can someone please give me the link of app cloner (mod) that works in android 14

  38. Will you be developing 32bit support? My device is arm.

  39. It is not works -

    Generated by AppErrorsTracking 1.3(6)
    Project URL: https://github.com/KitsunePie/AppErrorsTracking
    [Device Brand]: Redmi 12 5G
    [Android Version]: 13
    [CPU ABI]: arm64-v8a
    [Package Name]: com.applisto.appcloner
    [Version Name]: 2.17.6
    [Version Code]: 23112113
    [Error Type]: JVM
    [Stack Trace]:
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application com.applisto.appcloner.ProtectedMainApplication: com.applisto.appcloner.MessageGuardException_RFA6IDcxNCAwYTBiNDMzODg5NjggWzIwMjMxMDI0LTIwMjMxMTIxMTQzNiBiNzphcm02NC12OGEgMzMgUmVkbWkvc2t5X2luL3NreToxMy9US1ExLjIyMTExNC4wMDEvVjE0LjAuNy4wLlRNV0lOWE06dXNlci9yZWxlYXNlLWtleXMgYmxvY2tlZF0: DP: 714 0a0b43388968
    at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:7269)
    at android.app.ActivityThread.-$$Nest$mhandleBindApplication(Unknown Source:0)
    at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2244)
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
    at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:211)
    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:300)
    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8432)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:560)
    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:954)
    Caused by: com.applisto.appcloner.MessageGuardException_RFA6IDcxNCAwYTBiNDMzODg5NjggWzIwMjMxMDI0LTIwMjMxMTIxMTQzNiBiNzphcm02NC12OGEgMzMgUmVkbWkvc2t5X2luL3NreToxMy9US1ExLjIyMTExNC4wMDEvVjE0LjAuNy4wLlRNV0lOWE06dXNlci9yZWxlYXNlLWtleXMgYmxvY2tlZF0: DP: 714 0a0b43388968
    at com.applisto.appcloner.ProtectedMainApplication.nhdwCatGF(Unknown Source:2)
    at com.applisto.appcloner.ProtectedMainApplication.onCreate(Unknown Source:51)
    at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1289)
    at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:7263)
    ... 9 more
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: DP: 714 0a0b43388968
    at com.applisto.appcloner.ProtectedMainApplication.tvIdF(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at com.applisto.appcloner.ProtectedMainApplication$CloneSettingsRepository.lqvdzEekc(Unknown Source:31)
    at com.applisto.appcloner.ProtectedMainApplication$CloneSettingsRepository.eA(Unknown Source:472)
    at com.applisto.appcloner.ProtectedMainApplication.tvIdF(Native Method)
    at com.applisto.appcloner.ProtectedMainApplication.onCreate(Unknown Source:46)
    ... 11 more

  40. Bonjour, ça ne fonctionne pas. J'ai essayé toutes les apks jusqu'à la V3.2, l'appli ne s'ouvre jamais.

  41. It does not work with Android 14, please update as the app is very important

  42. On my Android 14 the latest version don't working, please update it to latest version of App Cloner.

  43. not working with bluestacks
